Smart University of Medical Sciences

The 9th meeting of the Policy Council of the "Journal of Law and Health Studies", with the presence of the honorable president and the honorable vice presidents of academic affairs and international affairs, was held on Monday, 07/01/2025 in the conference hall of the Smart University of Medical Sciences.



In this meeting, which was attended by 12 members of the journal's policy-making council, a report on the publication of the first issue of the journal was presented by Dr. Eslamitabar, the editor-in-chief of the journal.

According to reports, the remarkable number of visits to the journal's website of 10,000 cases and more than 300 downloads of articles, was announced as the success of the journal in a short time, and the attention and support of the president and vice chancellors of the university were appreciated and appreciated.

Dr. Bakhtiari, the honorable president of the university, while congratulating the publication of the first issue of the journal and appreciating the measures taken for the publication of the second issue, stated: One of the important symbols of scientific activity in the university is the publication of the journal, which showcases the results of the researches carried out. Also, in order to publish scientific findings at the community level, the journal can provide the best platform.

He added: "Many legal challenges in the field of health have been neglected, and the Department of Health Law of Smart University of Medical Sciences, with its great interest, can play an irreplaceable role in this field as a regional hub."

He considered the high number of visits and downloads of the journal's articles in this short period of time as an indication of the high thirst of the society for scientific materials in this field, and referring to the recent recommendations of the Supreme Leader to the honorable members of the Cabinet, regarding the development of artificial intelligence, he considered it very important to pay attention to the legal and ethical considerations of the presence of artificial intelligence in health, and in the end, while fully supporting the suggestions of the public relations department of the journal to participate in the fields of including the book and press exhibition, emphasized on the establishment of the university's industry relations unit.

Dr. Sabet, the honorable vice president for academic affairs and the editor of the journal, announced the publication of this journal as the result of the efforts of a large team of researchers, under the supervision of Dr. Eslamitabar, and acknowledged that due to the need of the health community for legal topics, the presence of this journal can improve the legal literacy of health activists by raising the culture and knowledge of the society.

In other parts of the ceremony, the members of the policy-making council expressed their views as follows and in an intimate atmosphere, while thanking the efforts and support made, reported the measures taken and some things to introduce the magazine to the honorable president.

Members of the Journal's Policy Council:

Dr. Issapour is the deputy editor-in-chief, Dr. Ayazi is in charge of coordinating the jury, Ms. Anvar is the editor-in-chief and in charge of coordinating the editors, Mr. Zandi Shafagh is in charge of industry relations, Mr. Lameh and Mr. Saeedian are in charge of the executive affairs, Ms. Khalili is in charge of public relations, Mr. Chehrehara is in charge of the technical expert, Mr. Zeinali is in charge of the site, and Ms. Akrami and Ms. Roozbahani are the editors of the journal.

At the end of the ceremony, the notification of the members of the policy-making council for the scientific and executive affairs of the Journal of Law and Health Studies was presented by the honorable president and vice presidents of the university.