Smart University of Medical Sciences

Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted online at


Title Page Template  Copyright Form   

   Original Article Template   Case Report Template    Short Communication Template 

Author's Responsibility and Ethical Requirements

Tables, Figures and Illustrations

Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects

Open Access

Copyright & Conflicts of Interest Form

Peer-review policy

Article-Processing Charges Article 

Article withdrawal and Retraction

Complaints procedure


Articles Types

  1. Original Research papers
  2. Case Reports
  3. Short communication
  4. Letters to the Editor
  5. Review articles

Manuscript preparation

  1. Title page
  2. Text (Main FIle)
  3. References



  1. Author's Responsibility and Ethical Requirements 

All relevant permissions to cite the unpublished observations of others must be obtained by the manuscript author(s). The names and initials of these persons must be cited in the text, and permission from the original publisher and author(s) must be obtained. Permission also must be obtained to reproduce or adapt any figures or tables that have been published previously. If the work involves experimentation on living animals, the author(s) must provide evidence that the study was performed in accordance with local ethical guidelines. If the study involves human beings, the author(s) must include a statement that the study was approved by the local ethical committee and that informed consent was obtained from the study participants. For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki should be followed. ( pdf/17c.pdf).

 2. Open Access 

Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Studies (J Interdiscip Health Stud) provides open access to all of its materials and contents to ease the exchange of knowledge in the world. J Interdiscip Health Stud aims to provide full access for all users worldwide to all its articles. All the content of J Interdiscip Health Stud, under a Creative Commons license, can be freely viewed and used online with attribution anywhere in the world.

 3. Article types 

3-1. Original Research papers

The main part of each issue of the JOIHS is devoted to original research papers that should present new results of interest to a broad spectrum of pathologists. Papers must describe significant and original observations that can be critically evaluated and if necessary, repeated. They should be arranged as follows: Title page, Main File (Structured Abstract, Highlights, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results + Tables, Figure legends and Figures, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interest, References,).

 The minimum number of words for an Original research paper is 3500 and the maximum is 6000 words. The minimum number of references for an Original Research article is 30.

 3-2. Case Reports or Case Series

Case reports will be considered only if they represent a significant advance in diagnostic methods, therapy, and prognosis or highlight substantial scientific advances in understanding the mechanism(s) of the disease process. They should be prefaced by a brief introduction, highlighting the salient message, and their discussion should be confined to unusual aspects, not a major review of the literature. They should be arranged as follows: Title page, Main File (Structured Abstract, Introduction, Case Report + Figure legends, and Figures, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest,).

The maximum number of words for a Case Report is 3000 words. The maximum number of references for a Case Report is 30.

3-3. Short Communication

This is a small-scale study containing new and significant information with an abstract not exceeding 200 words, a body not beyond 2000 words, 2 tables or figures, and references.  Sections of a short communication paper include Structured Abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results and discussion + Figure legends, and Figures, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest,  references, video legends, and videos whenever applicable.

The minimum number of words for a Short Communication is 1000 and the maximum is 2000 words. The minimum number of references for a Short Communication is 15.

 3-4. Letters to the Editor

Relating to papers recently published in the Journal, or containing brief reports of unusual or preliminary findings. Maximum length 1500 words, one table or figure, and a maximum of 10 references.

3-5. Review articles

Anyone wishing to write a review for the journal should first contact the Editor in chief ( Review articles, solicited and unsolicited, are actively encouraged and should be composed of systematic, critical assessments of literature and data sources pertaining to diagnostic topics. All articles and data sources reviewed should include information about the specific type of study or analysis. They should be arranged as follows: Title page, Main File (Abstract (unstructured), Highlights, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, (For the sections Results, Discussion and Conclusion there can be another type of sectioning), Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interest, References, Tables, Figure legends and Figures).

The minimum number of words for a Review Article is 4000 and the maximum is 10000 words. 

 4. Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts should be prepared in the style of the journal and in accordance with the uniform Requirement for Manuscript Submitted to Biomedical Journals ( The editorial office reserves the right to edit the submitted manuscripts in order to comply with the journal's style. In any case, the authors are responsible for the published material.

The manuscript main file includes (1) Title (2) Highlights and Structured Abstract (3) Introduction (4) Patients/Methods (5) Results + Figures and Tables (6) Discussion (7) Acknowledgment (8) References.

The manuscript should be typed double-spaced, using at least 12 points font for all the text. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations must be spelled out the first time they are used, followed by the abbreviated form in parentheses, thereafter they may be abbreviated without definition. Undefined abbreviations must not be used. Abbreviate units of measure only when used with numbers.

Authors’ names, institutional and/or corporate affiliations, and the mailing address, telephone, ORCID, and electronic mail address of the corresponding author should be provided on the title page.

All components of the manuscript must appear within a single electronic file. Please refrain from using end notes as references or automatic list numbering because these features are lost in conversion: simply type the reference number in parentheses in the text and type the reference list. Formatting, such as Greek letters, italics, super and subscripts, may be used. The coding scheme for such an element must be consistent throughout. All pages should be numbered in the top right-hand corner starting with the title page. Manuscripts not conforming to journal style will be returned to the authors.

All texts must be in readable fluent English using AMA style. Also, you have agreed to submit a native editing certificate to the journal if required by the editors.

4-1. Title Page

The following information should be included:

  • A concise title: If the article describes a study please include the study design. 
  • authors' full first names and surnames: Authors’ names Separate with commas. No full stops after initials. If there is a very large number of authors we may suggest that they form a group whose name will appear in the article byline.
  • The affiliation must include the items: Department, Faculty/School, Institution/Center/University, City, Country; and address at which the research was performed. Separate each part of the address with a comma (don't use a separate line for each part). Please include postcodes Authors' names and positions. 

4-2. Main File

The manuscript file includes (1) Article Title (2) Highlights and Structured Abstract (+keywords)  (3) Introduction (4) Materials/Patients and Methods/Case Presentation (5) Results (6) Tables & Figure (7) Discussion (8)Conclusion (9) Acknowledgment (10) Conflict of interest (11)Founding  (12) References. 

  • Highlights

Highlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to six bullet points describe the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it. Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists, the contents list, and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print.


    • Include 3 to 6 highlights.
    • There should be a maximum of 100 characters, including spaces, per highlight.
    • Only the core results of the paper should be covered.
  • Abstract

An organized abstract that comprises Background & Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion of 250 words or less should be prepared on a separate sheet and should be intelligible to the general reader without reference to the text. Avoid using abbreviations. Keywords should be identified. For case studies, abstracts should not exceed 150 words and must be included Background, case presentation conclusion. 

The abstract in original and review articles and short communications include:

    • Background & Objective
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion

The sections in case reports and case series include:

    • Background
    • Case presentation
    • Conclusion

No abstract is required for other articles e.g. editorials, letters. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.

  • Introduction
    • Present the main aims of the research.
    • Mention the main reasons for doing the research.
    • There is no need for a detailed review of the literature.
    • References should be cited for the content.
  • Methods
    • State the type of your study.
    • Present the methods, tools, and procedures used in detail to allow other researchers to duplicate the results without the need to contact the authors.
    • Describe the intervention and control groups, if relevant.
    • Describe the statistical tests used.
    • Give reasons for using specific statistical tests, if relevant.
    • Mention statistical significance.

J Interdiscip Health Stud follows the COPE guidelines; so, authors need to read and follow these guidelines to avoid research misconduct, including falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism. Authors may visit to obtain more information.

In addition, the authors should confirm that their study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki, that the ethics committee has approved their research, and that they have sought written informed consent from the participants or their guardians.

  • Results
    • Present the findings in the text, tables, or figures, and avoid presenting the same findings twice.
    • Be precise and do not explain your findings here; keep such explanation for the discussion.
    • Apply the metric system/SI units for presenting quantities and measurements.
  • Discussion
    • State the original and significant characteristics here. Do not present the findings of the results section again.
    • State the importance of the findings and how they are relevant to previous studies.
    • Only present the conclusions which are backed up by the data.
    • State the limitations and applications of your results.
  • Acknowledgments 

Contributors not fulfilling the authorship criteria must be mentioned in the Acknowledgment. A contributor may be a department chairperson who supported the research or a person who provided technical or writing assistance.

  • Funding 

The source of financial and material support (e.g., grant number) should be provided under a separate heading. If the authors have received no funding, include the following statement: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

  • Declaration of conflicting interests 

Visit ICMJE recommendations for more guidance on how to state conflict of interest. If the authors have received no conflicting interests, including the following statement: There are no conflicting interests. 

  • Research ethics and patient consent 

Medical research on human participants must be carried out according to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.  To see our policy in this regard please visit here.


  • References

References should be arranged in order of citation in the text in the Vancouver style and numbered consecutively: (1), (1, 2), (1-5). The References must be readily available citations for all articles. In-text, tables, and legends, identify references with Arabic numerals in parentheses. References should include names of all authors (last name, first); the title of the article; title of the journal (abbreviate according to the style of Index Medicus) or book; year of publication; volume number; location and name of publishing company (books only); first page and last page, DOI. 

Note: List all authors and/or editors up to 6; for more than six authors the first six should be listed followed by 'et al.'

Note: All references most have DOI 

Example: Hjorthaug K, Højbjerg JA, Knap MM, Tietze A, Haraldsen A, Zacho HD, Kramer SM, Borghammer P. Accuracy of 18F-FDG PET-CT in triaging lung cancer patients with suspected brain metastases for MRI. Nucl Med Commun. 2015;36(11):1084-90. DOI: 10.1097/MNM.0000000000000371

EndNote Style   Download EndNote Vancouver (superscript) Reference Style: Online Link


Reference Manager Software: 

EndNote|商品詳細 | 学術情報・論文作成支援【ユサコ株式会社】   JabRef - Wikipedia 



 5. Tables, Figures, Videos and Illustrations

Figures and tables should be kept to a necessary minimum, no more than seven, and their information should not be duplicated in the text. The position of figures and tables should be indicated in the manuscript.

  • Figures

Only essential Figures should be included. They should not duplicate the data presented in tables or in the text. Color images should be at least 300 DPI in JPEG, TIFF, or BMP format. Illustrations should be designed to fit the journal page with a maximum plate size 254×203 mm, have an additional white border. Larger illustrations will be printed at the discretion of the Editor. Reduction or cropping may be necessary to conserve space. The best results can be obtained from the original artwork and original photographs.

A detailed legend (maximum, 60 words long) should be provided for each figure. Legends for the illustrations should be typed double spaced on a separate paper. Stains and magnifications should be specified for all photomicrographs. Color illustrations cannot be reproduced in color unless the cost is subsidized by the author. The authors will receive notice of the cost of color reproduction as soon as after acceptance as possible. The corresponding author must sign a written agreement to cover the estimated costs before the production of color figures will be undertaken.

  • Tables

Tables should be typed on separate sheets and be numbered (with Arabic numbers). Each table must include appropriate headings and Footnotes. Units of measurement must be clearly indicated. Asterisks (*) for significance values and other statistical points are necessary under the table.

  • Videos

Authors can submit videos, graphics, and a slide presentation if relevant. They will be referred as other materials. The anonymity of the patients should be maintained unless written permission has been provided.
The length of each video clip or computer graphic is limited to 40 MB. Up to 3 videos or graphics can be submitted, with a concise legend for each video in the manuscript. We accept videos compatible with Windows Media Player and submitted in MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 (.mpg), QuickTime (.mov) format, or Mp4. 

  • Figure and video legends

Each figure should have a short caption describing its content. Figure legends should begin with the term Fig. followed by the figure number, both in boldface (e.g., Fig. 1). Each video should have a short caption describing its content. videos legends should begin with the term Vid. followed by the figure number, both in boldface (e.g., Vid. 1).

  • Permissions

If authors intend to reuse any illustrations, figures, tables, or passages already published elsewhere they should provide permission from copyright owners. Any content received without such evidence is considered to belong to the authors.

 6. Copyright & Conflicts of Interest Form

A copyright transfer form must be completed before the paper can be published, to facilitate the processing of your manuscript, please fill out the agreement, and submit the completed form and accompanying notes with your paper.

Authors must acknowledge and declare any sources of funding and potential conflicting interest, such as receiving funds or fees by, or holding stocks and shares in, an organization that may profit or lose through publication of your paper. Declaring a competing interest will not lead to automatic rejection of the paper, but we would like to be made aware of it.

This Journal Also Accepts the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest to generate a disclosure statement for your manuscript.

Please fill in the  copyright form (Link 1) (Mirror 1) 

   File:PDF file icon.svg - Wikipedia   

 7. Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects

If the work involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the author must clearly identify these in the manuscript.

If the work involves the use of animal or human subjects, the author should ensure that the manuscript contains a statement that all procedures were performed in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines and that the appropriate institutional committee(s) has approved them. Authors should include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human subjects.  The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed.

For human subjects, the author should ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans.  All animal experiments should comply with the ARRIVE guidelines [12] and should be carried out in accordance with the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and associated guidelines, or  EU Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes [14], or the U.S. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and, as applicable, the Animal Welfare Act.

Appropriate consents, permissions and releases must be obtained where an author wishes to include case details or other personal information or images of patients and any other individuals in an Elsevier publication. Written consents must be retained by the author and copies of the consents or evidence that such consents have been obtained must be provided to Elsevier on request.

 8. Peer-review policy  

Peer review is an inseparable part of Farname's publishing process. Peer-reviewers are scholars who contribute their time to review manuscripts (sent by the journal), offering authors free advice.

Key features of the peer-review process are as follows:

  •  All manuscripts are reviewed by at least two qualified experts.
  •  JOIHS's editor-in-chief makes all publication decisions based on the reviews.
  •  Editorial board members may provide advice to the editor-in-chief to assist him in decision making.
  • Initial manuscript evaluation

All manuscripts are first read by the editorial board. To save time, only manuscripts most likely to fulfill our editorial criteria are emailed for formal review. Manuscripts viewed by the editors as being of insufficient general interest or inappropriate are promptly rejected and are not sent for external review.

  • Type of pee- review

JOIHS uses a double-blind review process, with both the reviewer and author anonymous in the whole process.

  • Selecting peer-reviewers

Selecting reviewers is key to the publication process, for which we consider expertise, reputation, specific recommendations, and our prior experience with reviewers.

Reviewers should stick to the principle of confidentiality regarding the content sent to them for a critical review.

  • The length of the review process

Typically, this process takes 8 weeks.

  • Final report

Acceptance or rejection decisions are sent to the author as well as suggestions and verbatim comments by the reviewers.

  • Clinical trials 

In compliance with the ICMJE requirements, clinical trials should be registered in a WHO-approved public trials registry before the enrolment of the first patient. The trial registry name and URL, and the registration number must appear at the end of the abstract.

  • Reporting guidelines 

Authors should follow the relevant research reporting guidelines for the study type provided by the EQUATOR Network. In this way, enough information is provided for editors, peer-reviewers, and readers to find out how the research was conducted and to determine the reliability of the findings.

The main reporting guidelines include:

 9. Complaints procedure  

Authors can contact us via email. In case of complaints, email our managing editor Engr. salar zeynali ( or
Complaints will be dealt with within three working days. If possible, you will receive a full response within four weeks.
In case of dissatisfaction with the resolution, the case will be sent to the JOIHS editor-in-chief, Dr. Shahriyar Eslamitabar.

 10. Article Withdrawal and Retraction  

  • Article Withdrawal

If the authors intend to withdraw their submitted manuscript, they should send a letter signed by all authors and state the reasons for withdrawal. To request a withdrawal 48 hours after submission, the authors should pay a withdrawal penalty of . Submitting the manuscript elsewhere before finishing the submission process here with JOIHS is considered unethical, and withdrawal can be requested if there are significant errors in the manuscript.

The authors who want to request an article or manuscript withdrawal have to choose the WITHDRAWAL request in the author's dashboard.

  • Article Retraction

Infringements of professional ethical codes, such as multiple submission, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, or the like. Occasionally a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission or publication. The retraction of an article by its authors or the editor under the advice of members of the scholarly community has long been an occasional feature of the learned world. Standards for dealing with retractions have been developed by a number of library and scholarly bodies, and this best practice is adopted for article retraction by J Interdiscip Health Stud:

  • A retraction note titled “Retraction: [article title]” signed by the authors and/or the editor is published in the paginated part of a subsequent issue of the journal and listed in the contents list.
  • In the electronic version, a link is made to the original article.
  • The online article is preceded by a screen containing the retraction note. It is to this screen that the link resolves; the reader can then proceed to the article itself.
  • The original article is retained unchanged save for a watermark on the pdf indicating on each page that it is “retracted.”
  • The HTML version of the document is removed.

 11. Article-Processing Charges

Starting with 2023 J Interdiscip Health Stud levies an article-processing charge of 00.000.000 Rls. for each review, original, short communication, and case report article accepted for publication. Please note that these charges apply only to accepted articles. Payment will become due if your manuscript is accepted for publication by the editors. The article processing charge must be paid before the manuscript will publish

article submission charges: Free

Note: All the invited Review Articles, Letters to the editor, and Editorial publish free of charge.